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Revitalize Your HR Practices for the New Year

A one page calendar of the month of January sits on a white-washed wooden table. A pocket watch sits with the cover open on the corner of the calendar. A small pot of rosemary sits in the opposite corner.

Start Planning Now to Get a Head Start

As we get ready to usher in a new year, it's time to revamp and refresh your HR strategies. Here are some practical steps to ensure your workplace is on a smooth track for the upcoming year.

General HR Systems/Files Cleanup: Think of this as a thorough cleaning for your HR operations. It's time to put on your metaphorical hat and tidy up both virtual and physical spaces. Update employee records (we're looking at you, T1s), eliminate outdated information, and ensure your systems are as efficient as possible. A well-organized structure contributes to a happy and productive workplace.

Compliance Review and Policy Updates: "Annual compliance review with your employees is integral to a healthy company program. Should an unfortunate event of litigation occur, these are some of the first things that will be examined during the judicial process," says Vered Levant. We are ready to review your policies and procedures, ensuring they are not only up-to-date but also as comfortable as a well-fitted sweater. Stay ahead of legal requirements and ensure your policies align seamlessly with the latest regulations.

Annual Code of Business Conduct Review: It's always the season to uphold ethical standards. Take a moment to revisit your Code of Business Conduct. Has it been as effective as intended, or does it need a refresh? Ensure it aligns with your organization's values and establishes the standard for professional behavior within your team. A robust code of conduct is an ongoing gift to your workplace.

Why the Annual Review? Just as diligence is key when Santa checks his list twice, a well-prepared strategy can define the success of your upcoming year. A clean and compliant foundation paves the way for a prosperous and worry-free future. Let your practices shine brightly (maybe like a diamond) as you enter the new year.

How VIMY HR Can Help: We are your dedicated partners, ensuring your processes are as efficient as possible. From system cleanups to policy enhancements, we have the expertise to polish up your HR practices.

These resolutions tend to fall to the way-side before February even begins. If you start your prep-work now, you will be more than able to handle the New Year rush.

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